Monday, February 14, 2011


The term 'telepathy' was coined by F.W.H. Myers in 1882 from the Greek words tele, meaning distant, and pathe, meaning feeling. The ability is generally thought of as mind-to-mind contact, wherein a person seems to acquire information directly from another's mind, without resorting to the use of the five known senses. Therefore, a telepath is a person with the paranormal ability to read others' thoughts and mental contents. 

Most people have experienced some form of telepathic connection triggered during a crisis situation, such as when one becomes aware that a friend or close relative is in danger or has died. Often, such information enters the mind during a state of sleep, in the form of a dream. However, it can also appear during the waking state in the form of an intuition.  

My father has told me throughout my life that our dead relatives come to visit him in his sleep. It just so happened that these apparitions would normally only occur during a time of crisis. 
He describes the encounters always beginning with an awakening of some sort.  Some instances, the relative would nudge him till he would awaken.  Other times, he would awaken feeling their presence as they would stand over top of him. The deceased would always come with a warning of some type letting him know that a certain family member was some type of danger. 
Is it possible that a telepathic connection of sorts allowed him to formulate these prophecies? Or was it just an exaggerated intuition formulated from an overactive worrisome mind.  One thing remains certain, all of his "visions" did come to fruition.

Some telepaths have reported successful transference of thought over a great distance, dismissing the claim that telepathy is a subconscious piecing together of nonverbal, sensory clues. Other cases have supposedly involved the transfer of thoughts between people who do not know each other well, discounting the theory that telepathy is simply a coincidence that occurs between two people who, as a result of their closeness, have come to think alike. 

Although always skeptical of this phenomena, Telepathy has become something I can no longer ignore or equate to happenstance.  Recently, I have been in communication with an individual that I have never met in person. This individual has triggered an empathetic dormancy that has empowered my mind to work in ways I never thought possible. 
A friendship originating from humor and cut-throat strategy, we became acquainted through various game related chat applications.  Realizing that we had many beliefs, unusual interests, and hobbies in common, we began socializing on a more personal level.  Despite having so many similarities, our backgrounds couldn't be more different.  Everything from where we had lived, family life, and past experiences were completely different.  I still can't help but thinking that most hold some significance in the proceeding events.
Becoming more and more engrossed in the game, we begin to chat more on the phone and online.  Little idiosyncrasies popped up such as constantly finishing one another sentences. We also began to be able to foresee when the other was going to call.  Often times, we heard each others voices in our heads saying things that were yet to be said by the other. This small collection of instances by no means convinced me of  telepathic connection. Although looking back, perhaps they foreshadowed the significant events that would prove otherwise.
One Night, a couple months ago, I became extremely ill out of the blue.  An overwhelming feeling of sickness had instantaneously debilitated my entire body.  Laying on the bathroom in agony, I went into what felt like a conscious black out state.  When I closed my eyes, I saw images that seemed to be pasted together in like a vignette cornered sideshow in my mind. Extremely distressed, but unable to look away, I saw an extremely frustrated individual with a car.  This person had become so overwhelmed with pain and stress from someone else.  They were completely consumed with the way they had handled a certain situation that they began searching for drastic means to rid them of their loathing. 
Surrounding objects within the car came into focus. My physical pain became more and more unbearable as I began to seize up. Just when I thought the vicious cycle would never end; the phone rang. It was a woman's voice on the other end. As I began speaking to her, I opened my eyes realizing that all the pain I had felt had subsided. As a matter of fact, I wasn't even on the phone as I had thought.
Soon after, I had spoken with my friend telling him about the crazy events preceding my call. As you might have already guessed, he held the key to understanding what could only be described as a tumultuous whirlwind of intense sickness. Everything, I had described seeing in that "slideshow' had actually happened to him. All of the objects, feelings, and even the time line of events had all been his exact experience. What I didn't tell him, he told me and vice versa. Everything was so specific, including his account of the happening. Even the phone call he had received allowing us to break away from his overwhelming emotions. 
You would think because I possess a few other metaphysical abilities, that this encounter with telepathy would not come as a shock. However, when something such as that appears later on in life, you can't help but leave bewildered and amazed. Little did I know, this occurrence was only the tip of the iceberg on my collision course with telepathy. Although I still don't understand why these incidents are occurring, I am learning each day through patience and acceptance that I have the choice to become proactive in my own future development. Perhaps reliving these truths throughout this blog, can further enable myself and others to do the same.

Types of Telepathy:

Latent Telepathy, formerly known as "deferred telepathy", is described as being the transfer of information, through Psi, with an observable time-lag between transmission and receipt.

  • Psi is a term used to demarcate processes or effects associated with cognitive or physiological activity that fall outside of conventional scientific boundaries (ESP, for example).
Retrocognitive, Precognitive, and Intuitive Telepathy is described as being the transfer of information, through Psi, about the past, future or present state of an individual's mind to another individual.

Emotive Telepathy, also known as remote influence or emotional transfer, is the process of transferring kinesthetic sensations through altered states.

Superconscious Telepathy, involves tapping into the superconscious to access the collective wisdom of the human species for knowledge.

This introduction is only a brief synopsis of telepathy. This form of extra-sensory perception (ESP) allows for an interpretation of events, that is as limitless as space and time.

MizMizuki at Twitter

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Have you ever experienced any of these types of telepathy? 

Please leave a comment telling us about your encounters or thoughts on this topic.


Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Meaning

- noun 1. genesis of the psyche 2. the origin of physical or psychological states, normal or abnormal, out of the interplay of conscious and unconscious psychological forces 3. the origin of symptoms as a result of emotional causes

- noun 1. the joint action of agents so that their combined effect is greater than the sum of their individual effects

This Blog is dedicated to an individual's journey of overcoming all obstacles to reach divine clarity and truth.

MizMizuki at Twitter

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Types of Psychics

There are many different types of psychics and psychic phenomena out there. However, very few websites that demonstrate the capabilities and perspectives of such significant individuals. Nor thorough accounts of the how, what, when, where, why's, and most importantly WHO!

All psychics utilize some form of what is called Telepathy. Telepathy is the transfer of information on thoughts or feelings between individuals by means other than the "five classic senses". I think that it is safe to say that all of us at some point or another have experienced some sort of telepathy throughout our lives. Perhaps it was an empathetic feeling when a friend or family member was in danger, an overwhelming sensation of Deja-vous, or going over to pick up the phone right before it rings.

Some say that we are all born with the ability to develop our "sixth sense". Using the analogy of playing sports, this theory can perhaps be better understood. Most professional sports players who excel within their niche, had to practice and perfect their ability for many years. Through hard work and perseverance, they developed further success. However, there are always those born with
raw talent who could run faster, throw harder, and/or impeccable hand-eye coordination.

Psychics are no exception. There are those who saw minor early signs, but through years of dedication to their craft have refined their skills to become their personal bests. Along with those who were born with an innate talent, perhaps only required minor tweaking. In addition to these types, there are those who awaken their dormant aptitudes by a major catastrophic event, near death experience, or even a first encounter with a synergetic soul mate.

Thanks to modern technology and the people's love for reality television, the public is becoming more and more familiar with psychic phenomena. Popular shows like "Medium", "Ghost Hunters", & "Taps" are all shedding light on a previously dark tabooed subject. Most of these television shows revolve around the study of parapsychology. Which is a discipline that seeks to investigate the existence and causes and conditions of psychic abilities, near-death experiences, out-of-the-body experiences, crisis apparitions, retro-cognitions, reincarnation memories, regression memories, prophecy, astrology, ghosts and life after death.

I created this blog because I am truly inspired by individual who possesses many of these gifts. For him, this is his "Genesis" or beginning on the path to psychic enlightenment. Knowing what a lonely battle this has been for myself (and I'm sure many others), I want to extend my knowledge along with the wisdom of others to guide him on his journey.

When I think of all the Loners that live in fear and denial for fear of being exploited, I see only wasted energy. I think the more we make our truths known, the more empower ourselves to be better understood and accepted.

So please keep an open mind and an empathetic heart while reading these blogs.

Some topics I will look forward to discussing are:
• Extrasensory Perception (ESP)
• Clairvoyance
• Telepathy
• Precognition
• Psychokinesis (PK)
• Bio-PK
• Poltergeist
• Haunting
• Out-of-Body Experience (OBE)
• Near Death Experience (NDE)
• Reincarnation
• Soul Mates & Twin Flames

Along with Other Psychic Phenomena including suggestions from anyone who reads this.

Thank you.

MizMizuki at Twitter

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